Veterans. For ALL of our Veterans. ... For ALL my Marine Corps buddies. Thank You!
Traveling through America on this Journey went through a bunch of small towns and loved the tributes to the home town local Veterans. Some towns had a memorial in the town square.
Some had small displays of pictures of the local veterans in places like the local supermarkets.... ... like in Lovel Wyoming. or near a rest stop in Fruita , Colorado.... that had a UH-1 "Huey" as a centerpeice display for their memorial.
Some had a memorial park w/ a monument and plaque.... in places like The Dalles, Oregon. and they had a rose garden tended to by the local ladies club / Garden Club... really nice. Thank You Ladies!!!
One of the most amazing sights I've ever seen... at Maryhill, Washington, overlooking the beautiful Columbia River Gorge, a local resident built an exact size replica of "Stonehenge" in England. It is dedicated to the 17 young men from the area that died in World War 1 and did not return to their beautiful land / home. A ver peaceful and powerful place. Windfarm turbines line the ridge of the gorge, Columbia River Gorge below; very serene and tranquil. ... it's beyond my description.
America loves its Veterans. It's because we are America! The best of America. For a time we put down all our frustrations of politics and stop a moment to realize that our veterans are not only our Grandads and Grandmoms, Fatheres and Mothers, Brothers and Sisters, but our Nieces and Nephews, Cousins,... and neighbors... and our local townspeople. They are our family. This is a GREAT country !
I'm proud to see these towns.... some small town w/ NO budget to do anything... but somehow come up w/ a memorial tribute to the people that serve our country.
It gives me hope that there are still citizens that know that it is a tragedy to send our kids off to war. ... sometimes thinking its justified... often doubting the politics.... but still rally to honor the veterans. ... and give them the respect and honor they deserve.
I'm proud of ALL our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, National Guard, Reserves, and Merchant Marines,... Men and Women that stood their post and served. And my Marine Corps buddies; Keith, Rit, David, Lee, T-O, Olin, Jim... and the many too numerous to list ... Thank you !!!
The sacrifices and service to country you offered... to protect and preserve this Land.... IT WAS WORTH IT ! My pictures of these places (the Lands between all the towns) don't do justice as to how beautiful the places really are.
You fought for this Land; now get out there and see it and enjoy it.