Monday, December 6, 2010

Good Trade Sheridan WY Jun 23 2010

It had to be Davids wife that said... we're not putting that king size blanket
w/ Marine corps emblem on my bed. So , when David said "Uncle Bill,.... here's a Marine Corps
blanket for you", I just said thank you. & it was in a closet for a year.

"Oh, we don't need that. That won't be neccessary. That's too big,... there's
not enough room for that size blanket." That's what I remember hearing. A king
size velour Red w/ gold Marine Corps emblem & blue/white letters...

Turns out... it is THE most valuable thing on this trip. or 1 of a few. It has
been 24* a couple of mornings. It has been 36 - 39* over 2 dozen times up in the
mountains. Most of this Journey has been up 6,000 to 8,000 ft elevation. There has been hoarding of the blanket. Accusations of unfair hogging
of the Marine Corps blanket. It has been a life saver & could not have survived
this trip w/o it. If I'd been coming across the prarie in a covered wagon... I'd
want this blanket.

So this morning when I traded some in an odd place in Sheridan w/ a Shoshone
named Red Cloud... and got an indian blanket for David & the troops... I
thought... Good Trade. Mailed this aft so 3-5 days, check the mailbox.


Learned that Gen Sliddell McKenzie.y had a history here of the fort... now is
the VA hospital here. There's something special about a guy named Sliddell. Late
eve taking pics of sunset -- took 125 pics... was that good... noticed on the
ridge to the North... 16 pronhorn Elk graizing in a loose herd. This is a very
special place.


And there were 2 young backpackers nearby that I talked w/ a few mins. One of my
highest honors in life was as a platoon sergeant of 35 combat engineer Marines.
They were my Men; it was my leadership responsibility to look out for them... to
make sure they are ok. Like every Marine leader; your men come 1st.

When I talk w/ these young backpackers.. good kids out going thru the country,
out on the edge on their own... just like the homeless guys .... I have to go
over and talk w/ them a few mins , ... to make shure they are ok. often offer a
few bucks for something to eat -- to get them down the road--... The Marine
leader in me -- the old sarge-- still has to look out for my men. Those kids
were my men today... say a prayer for their safe travels. They were not just
some 22 year old kids.... they were somebodys Sons, somebodys nephews,...
somebodys cousins. What paths cross in Sheridan, WY?


Aft & went into Kings Saddlery / King ropes . The shop was amazing... Don Kings
western museum in the back building would take you a month to go thru & look at
everything. Several hundred saddles, roping, rodeo, western artifacs, western
antiques, guns knives, buffalo heads, elk heads,,... Amazing... beyond belief as
what all was in that one small building.