Monday, December 27, 2010

Huntington, Oregon

Huntington , Oregon Saturday August 14, 2010

ITW 115

Leaving the Twisted bark Olive trees and Cottonwoods shade at Farewell Bend st park, headed up the road to see what was in the small town of Hunington, Oregon.

The fantastic treats of this Journey open up every day. This was the/ A Camp / stopping point on THE Oregon Trail. .... watering livestock on the Snake River was a natural rest stop for the Pioneers in Coverd wagons / Wagon Trains to the promised land.

It was the annual heritage day festival in this small town and of course,.. this required stopping to see what was here.

The guys singing Folk songs / pioneer songs & music was good. Local Storytellers were also on stage at times... interesting stories! Saw Huningtons Largest Omelet being cooked.

Some youngsters learning to Calf Rope on a hay bale. Several Native American booths w/ craftwork.

I love to see small towns stop for a day,... neighbors meet and have a little fun. Glad I ran on to this towns history and culture.