Monday, December 6, 2010

Road Trip...

Lewiston , ID librarry.... 3 mins time left ITW 95 Now it's back to my kinda travel.... a real road trip.... trying to see as much as possible before hitting "Bingo fuel" -- the term Marine pilots use when you can't stay on station any longer & have just enough fuel to make it back to the carrier / base on fumes. I know how Thelma felt on her road trip. ... Thru Cour d Alene, airport is "Pappy Boyington Field"... out of the plains thru Nez Perce reservation, Wheat fields & the blowing wind waving the wheat fields are amazing... really amber waves of grain beutiful... to Lewiston , ID . The crest overlooking Lewiston is absolutely amazing. Snake River on it's way to the Columbia river. Plan from here is 12west into central Oregon, Columbia river & south down central of state & see as much as possible.