Monday, December 6, 2010

Buffalo to Sheridan WY Heading out Jun 25 2010

ITW 50 Buffalo to Sheridan, Wyoming

Heading out to Big Horn and Medicine Wheel Wy in a few mins. Leaving the last
civilization post like the pioneers heading up the Bozeman trail ... loading up
on supplies here that will be hard to find in remote Montana.

Buffalo / Sheridan WY were good stops. Interesting suprizes.

Buffalo Wy The Ocidental Hotel remains pristene as it looks as it did in the 1880s. Going into the lobby you get the feeling of seeing the guy over on a chair reading the paper.... could easily be Buffalo Bill. And in the bar / dining room they still have the desk that the Judge held court at when they stoped selling whiskey for a few minutes to hold a trial.

Onto Sheridan

The Fetterman fight monument where the Sioux killed all the soldiers,... ft Phil Kearney.... the Army fort set up on the edge of the civilized US at that time -- & was one of the reasons the indian tribes organized and fought back at the encroachment/ invasion of their sacred hunting & lands that we call the Bighorn mtns / nat forest. ...

The Army promised the Sioux in a treaty that they were going to only transit through the hunting lands to go onto the gold & silver mines (of what would become the northern route-- The Bozeman Trail). Later... When the Army built Ft. Phil Kearny and declared a permanent presence... the indian skirmishes and wars escalated. The building of this fort enraged the indians that they knew they had been doublecrossed and lied to created one of the unique events in American history.

The waring tribes of The Sioux, The Cheyenne, and The Arapaho then joined forces to fight back for their ancestral hunting lands and home.

144 years ago TODAY,... December 21, 1866;

Captain Fetterman prpared a Company of soldiers to go rescue a besieged wagon train. Crazy Horse led about a dozen Sioux warriors approached and taunted Ft Phil Kearny. The Army took the bait and gave chase up Lodge Trail Ridge. It was too late when they realized the indian raiding party Decoys had led Capt Fettermans 81 soldiers to a bluff where 2,000 indians surrounded and killed every man. The Army called it the Fetterman massacre; the indians called it a fight.

2 years later in 1868 when the army abandon the fort as part of The Treaty of Ft Laramie, The Cheyenne immediatly Burned it to the ground and left no trace.

The wagon box
fight. This was the front line of the indian wars on the plains. Gen
Mackenzie built and organized a recoperation post .... which would eventually lead to what is now our modern day Veterans Administration Hospitals.

Red Cloud & indian blankets... The Buffalo Bill inn... good stop. Plains History !

ITW 50 Buffalo to Sheridan, Wyoming

Heading out to Big Horn and Medicine Wheel Wy in a few mins. Leaving the last
civilization post like the pioneers heading up the Bozeman trail ... loading up
on supplies here that will be hard to find in remote Montana.

Buffalo / Sheridan WY were good stops. Interesting suprizes.

Buffalo Wy The Ocidental Hotel remains pristene as it looks as it did in the 1880s. Going into the lobby you get the feeling of seeing the guy over on a chair reading the paper.... could easily be Buffalo Bill. And in the bar / dining room they still have the desk that the Judge held court at when they stoped selling whiskey for a few minutes to hold a trial.

Onto Sheridan

The Fetterman fight monument where the Sioux killed all the soldiers,... ft Phil Kearney.... the Army fort set up on the edge of the civilized US at that time -- & was one of the reasons the indian tribes organized and fought back at the encroachment/ invasion of their sacred hunting & lands that we call the Bighorn mtns / nat forest. ...

The Army promised the Sioux in a treaty that they were going to only transit through the hunting lands to go onto the gold & silver mines (of what would become the northern route-- The Bozeman Trail). Later... When the Army built Ft. Phil Kearny and declared a permanent presence... the indian skirmishes and wars escalated. The building of this fort enraged the indians that they knew they had been doublecrossed and lied to created one of the unique events in American history.

The waring tribes of The Sioux, The Cheyenne, and The Arapaho then joined forces to fight back for their ancestral hunting lands and home.

144 years ago TODAY,... December 21, 1866;

Captain Fetterman prpared a Company of soldiers to go rescue a besieged wagon train. Crazy Horse led about a dozen Sioux warriors approached and taunted Ft Phil Kearny. The Army took the bait and gave chase up Lodge Trail Ridge. It was too late when they realized the indian raiding party Decoys had led Capt Fettermans 81 soldiers to a bluff where 2,000 indians surrounded and killed every man. The Army called it the Fetterman massacre; the indians called it a fight.

2 years later in 1868 when the army abandon the fort as part of The Treaty of Ft Laramie, The Cheyenne immediatly Burned it to the ground and left no trace.

The wagon box
fight. This was the front line of the indian wars on the plains. Gen
Mackenzie built and organized a recoperation post .... which would eventually lead to what is now our modern day Veterans Administration Hospitals.

Red Cloud & indian blankets... The Buffalo Bill inn... good stop. Plains History !