Monday, December 6, 2010

Gifts Thermopolis WY Jun 19 2010

ITW 45

Most days are an adventure & sometimes a day is a real gift.

6am 40* clear chilly. Coffee & to Thermopolis airport by 8. A fly-in & scouts are doing a pancake breakfast. about a dozen small planes shuttling in & out doing short hops w/ scouts. Now there are 3 things to make a good movie; Marines, airplanes, & more Marines.... so the real treat was fhen the Navy T-28 trainer did a fly by , landed & taxied in. Navy / Marine Corps pilots can't be beat.

9;30 & head out. "Round Top" mountain is just behind the airport so hike to the top for some spectacular pics.... snowcaps on Owl Creek mtns. many prayers for friends.

Hike back down & out by fairgrounds & Buck Brannaman horse whisperer is doing training w/ cowboys. Reserve spot at fountian of youth rv park & over to Hot Springs state park & 20 min soak in mineral pool. Really something to this... it's not just in your head.

quick lunch bite & 2pm head out past Hamilton Dome hwy 120 28 miles & turn off to "Legend Rock"... another 10 miles . one of the largest -- some 280 + -- Petroglyphs ... in the world. Primitive man echings in rock walls in one canyon.

prayer time at Thermopolis WY "Legend Rock" canyon... some dating back 11,000 years. This is beyond great... now it's a treat just to be there, but there comes a prarie thunderstorm once there.... a rarity. & even more spectacular.. the Cumulus top must go way up because it starts to hail... why Hail yeah.... to see this and all these things is ...a gift.

The petroglyphs... as an anthropologist... it was like standing at uluru.

I was witness to primitive hunting grounds... ceremonial offerings of petroglyphs... eched in rock -- not painted -- stone hammered eched.

Clan tribes that were advanced enough to have a social / organizational structure did tribal hunts at cliffs like these. A primitive hunter w/ a spear could not easily kill big game like a buffalo, or elk... so they drove them , then stampeded the buffalo off a cliff. ... primitive hunting. & I was there ... at the killing fields. ... and where the hunt was celebrated.... and recorded in rock. beyond wow.

None of this day was planned; it just unfolded well. This day was a real gift! Thank you!

Legend Rock ... beyond description

ITW 45

Most days are an adventure & sometimes a day is a real gift.

6am 40* clear chilly. Coffee & to Thermopolis airport by 8. A fly-in & scouts are doing a pancake breakfast. about a dozen small planes shuttling in & out doing short hops w/ scouts. Now there are 3 things to make a good movie; Marines, airplanes, & more Marines.... so the real treat was fhen the Navy T-28 trainer did a fly by , landed & taxied in. Navy / Marine Corps pilots can't be beat.

9;30 & head out. "Round Top" mountain is just behind the airport so hike to the top for some spectacular pics.... snowcaps on Owl Creek mtns. many prayers for friends.

Hike back down & out by fairgrounds & Buck Brannaman horse whisperer is doing training w/ cowboys. Reserve spot at fountian of youth rv park & over to Hot Springs state park & 20 min soak in mineral pool. Really something to this... it's not just in your head.

quick lunch bite & 2pm head out past Hamilton Dome hwy 120 28 miles & turn off to "Legend Rock"... another 10 miles . one of the largest -- some 280 + -- Petroglyphs ... in the world. Primitive man echings in rock walls in one canyon.

prayer time at Thermopolis WY "Legend Rock" canyon... some dating back 11,000 years. This is beyond great... now it's a treat just to be there, but there comes a prarie thunderstorm once there.... a rarity. & even more spectacular.. the Cumulus top must go way up because it starts to hail... why Hail yeah.... to see this and all these things is ...a gift.

The petroglyphs... as an anthropologist... it was like standing at uluru.

I was witness to primitive hunting grounds... ceremonial offerings of petroglyphs... eched in rock -- not painted -- stone hammered eched.

Clan tribes that were advanced enough to have a social / organizational structure did tribal hunts at cliffs like these. A primitive hunter w/ a spear could not easily kill big game like a buffalo, or elk... so they drove them , then stampeded the buffalo off a cliff. ... primitive hunting. & I was there ... at the killing fields. ... and where the hunt was celebrated.... and recorded in rock. beyond wow.

None of this day was planned; it just unfolded well. This day was a real gift! Thank you!

Legend Rock ... beyond description