Friday, December 24, 2010

Postcard Lewiston, Idaho

Postcard Lewiston , Idaho ITW 95

July 31, 2010

It is the Moon of the Tall Prarie Grasses gone to Seed.

The Plains Herds are Full and Plentiful. Mares and Sows have Bore their Colts and Young which play before their 1st Winter.

The Salmon are Running. Fruits and Berries are Ripe and Sweet.

The Tribes are Not at War and there is Peace upon the Land. The Days are Long and the Land guides our Spiritual Walk in the Great Mystery.

We are Thankful For our Abundant Blessings.

You Never drink Twice from the same Stream.

Postcard Lewiston , Idaho ITW 95

July 31, 2010

It is the Moon of the Tall Prarie Grasses gone to Seed.

The Plains Herds are Full and Plentiful. Mares and Sows have Bore their Colts and Young which play before their 1st Winter.

The Salmon are Running. Fruits and Berries are Ripe and Sweet.

The Tribes are Not at War and there is Peace upon the Land. The Days are Long and the Land guides our Spiritual Walk in the Great Mystery.

We are Thankful For our Abundant Blessings.

You Never drink Twice from the same Stream.