Monday, December 6, 2010

Blog Disclaimer

Blog disclaimer
North America » United States » Colorado » Durango
May 31st 2010 by Uncle Hargus

The entries mad on this travel blog are only for the purposes of a travel diary
/log only meant for the few friends to follow & assist this part of the journey/
odyssey. Please don't be too critical & bear w/ me on the spelling & grammatical
errors etc... I graduated high school in a state that is 49th in the US in
funding; be glad I wasn't home schooled. Graduating from high school I could
barely spell Cat, Bat, & Rat. The only thing used from high school is typing. At
UofA... which I affectionately refer to as Bull Connor University because they
primarily taught elite-ism instead of education. So as always... I'm doing the best I can w/ what
I've got.

& bear w/ my grammatical shorthand.... there is not enough time to do this
properly -- w/o errors... I'm months behind schedule getting this up & will hit
the highlights covered here & trust you will google / search the names & places
mentioned to get the real thorough facts of these tracks.

ie... thru = Through pic = picture ect... w/ = with

& last. laugh w/ me thru this odyssey. I try to take the days as they come, roll
w/ what's thrown at me, & laugh (especially at myself) along the way. Ride along w/
me & thanks for being the friends you are. & thanks for all the prayers -- lord
knows I need all of them. Pics are copyright - ALL rights reserved. If attys want to sue; there is
no money! I borrowed against the future /ira to do this trip.