Friday, February 11, 2011

Atlantic City, Wyoming enroute to Lander

ITW 40

Thursday June 17, 2010

South Pass City, Wyoming

***This is the same text / copy from my journal for South Pass City; Same Text... Different pictures. These 2 tiny towns are a couple miles apart-- out in the middle of the central Wyoming high plains. ***

On the way to Lander, WY hwy 28, a sideout look at South Pass City. This was an 1850s telegraph outpost and an overland stage stop... This was the jumping off place for the pioneers heading west to the promised land.

The Emigrant Trail,... The Mormon Trail,... The California Trail,... The Oregon Trail,... The Lander Cutoff... this was the staging area to supply up before going into the rockies. ... or connect up to the Bridger Trail, or The Bozeman Trail... This is the heart of the Western high plains. It's 7,900' elev here and you see mountains w/ snowpack

There is a tiny town still alive in South Park City. Also a state recreation "old town" that looks like it did in the 1860s.

It was overcast gray from prarie storms today. ... in June... wind 25+. I can't imagine what a winter on the plains would be to endure. The wagonmasters -- guides-- forming up the wagontrains had to meet the schedule to get out of here and across the Rockies by fall... or die/ freeze to death in the winter.

It was good to see this place. The Carrisa mine started later when gold miners worked the veins... and there is still a monument / museum. .. was closed today.

Onto Atlantic City a couple miles away. Very similar outpost like South Park City. A few prople there in the town.

Back onto hwy 28 headed for Lander, Wyoming.

ITW 40

Thursday June 17, 2010

South Pass City, Wyoming

On the way to Lander, WY hwy 28, a sideout look at South Pass City. This was an 1850s telegraph outpost and an overland stage stop... This was the jumping off place for the pioneers heading west to the promised land.

The Emigrant Trail,... The Mormon Trail,... The California Trail,... The Oregon Trail,... The Lander Cutoff... this was the staging area to supply up before going into the rockies. ... or connect up to the Bridger Trail, or The Bozeman Trail... This is the heart of the Western high plains. It's 7,900' elev here and you see mountains w/ snowpack

There is a tiny town still alive in South Park City. Also a state recreation "old town" that looks like it did in the 1860s.

It was overcast gray from prarie storms today. ... in June... wind 25+. I can't imagine what a winter on the plains would be to endure. The wagonmasters -- guides-- forming up the wagontrains had to meet the schedule to get out of here and across the Rockies by fall... or die/ freeze to death in the winter.

It was good to see this place. The Carrisa mine started later when gold miners worked the veins... and there is still a monument / museum. .. was closed today.

Onto Atlantic City a couple miles away. Very similar outpost like South Park City. A few prople there in the town.

Back onto hwy 28 headed for Lander, Wyoming.