Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mesa Verde Jimez dancers

ITW 21

Mesa Verde nat park, Colorado

Saturday May 29, 2010

There are days where you just recieve the gifts of life... and you say Thank You.

Thank you that there was a display of artists of sociological culture.... and you were fortunate to stumble upon them and enjoy their gifts of heritage / culture. This was one of those days. ...and a picnic samich overlooking Mesa Verde canyon is a pretty good deal too.

The Jimez tribe... Jimez, New Mexico... dates back about 4,500 years. Strong Tribal Family traditions that still survive today! A proud people! ... A proud Tribe! While near Spruce Treehouse in Mesa Verde...just by luck... stumbled onto an exibition in an ampitheater of the Jimez Tribe doing some of their ancestral dances. What a TREAT! For 30 minutes watched and listened to the Jimez chants and drums while young tribal members carring on the tradition danced sacred traditional tribal dances. Thank you

Jimez tribe!!! **** A side track note --- under construction and not ready yet... but eventually will direct you to the Jimez village post from an earlier road trip... stonebeartracks 4 corners... while driving through Jimez Springs stopped and walked through the Jimez ruins / church... where in the 1,600s after only 50 years of uninvited blackrobes... the Jimez wised up and murdered the Fransican priests and burned the catholic church to the ground. Evidently the Jimez did not appreciate the catholic church trying to convert them from their ancestral religion they had practiced for thousands of years... Go figure. Way to go Jimez; can we throw a parade for your tribe! ***

Anyway... to watch the Jimez kids dance today was phenomenal. ... think a thousand years ago around the village bonfire... These kids are still dancing as their ancestors did. Thank You!!!

To the Jimez kids that danced.... You danced for your Tribe; A great honor!

ITW 21

Tracks of the StoneBear Copyright - MMX  ALL Rights reserved

ITW = Into The West Journey 

Mesa Verde nat park, Colorado

Saturday May 29, 2010

There are days where you just receive the gifts of life... and you say Thank You.

Thank you that there was a display of artists of sociological culture.... and you were fortunate to stumble upon them and enjoy their gifts of heritage / culture. This was one of those days. ...and a picnic samich overlooking Mesa Verde canyon is a pretty good deal too.

The Jimez tribe... Jimez, New Mexico... dates back about 4,500 years. Strong Tribal Family traditions that still survive today! A proud people! ... A proud Tribe! While near Spruce Treehouse in Mesa Verde...just by luck... stumbled onto an exhibition in an amphitheater of the Jimez Tribe doing some of their ancestral dances. What a TREAT! For 30 minutes watched and listened to the Jimez chants and drums while young tribal members carrying on the tradition danced sacred traditional tribal dances. Thank you Jimez tribe!!!

**** A side track note --- under construction and not ready yet... but eventually will direct you to the Jimez village post from an earlier road trip... stonebeartracks 4 corners... while driving through Jimez Springs stopped and walked through the Jimez ruins / church... where in the 1,600s after only 50 years of uninvited black-robes... the Jimez wised up and murdered the Franciscan priests and burned the catholic church to the ground. Evidently the Jimez did not appreciate the catholic church trying to convert them from their ancestral religion they had practiced for thousands of years... Go figure. Way to go Jimez; can we throw a parade for your tribe! ***

Anyway... to watch the Jimez kids dance today was phenomenal. ... think a thousand years ago around the village bonfire... These kids are still dancing as their ancestors did. Thank You!!!

To the Jimez kids that danced.... You danced for your Tribe; A great honor!