Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mesa Verde Spruce Treehouse

ITW 21 -2

May 29, 2010

Mesa Verde Spruce Treehouse , Colorado 4 Corners

am coffee. 58* clear

Out hwy 160 35 miles to Mesa Verde nat park. Park is 20 miles in from the gate at hwy 160.

A change in geography from rockies mountains to mesa arid plains. Visitor center -- 200 people and lines -- too many so head to Spruce Treehouse. Museum center had history... out to canyon overlook for noon samich.

Park Point 8,571' elev

You can see glimpses of the canyons and overhang with tiny structures down under the cliff mesa plateau overhangs.

Hiked the trail down into the canyon... 400' decline and got up close to the dwellings built under the canyon ledges by this Chocco culture... these pueblo style cliff dwellings built circa 950 to 1,200.

The views of the villages in the canyons cut into mesa plateaus are fantastick. Visability of the canyons are 50+ miles. We're up at 8,000'elev... cool crisp thin air.

Looking across the valley you see the top of the cliff/ plateau and begin walking the trail to Spruce Treehouse pueblo dwellings . I'm already excited after seeing the Jimez indian dancers... now hiking to a UNESCO world heritage site... this is what you live for.

The ancestral natives that would eventually become the Anasazi were here from about 500ad. Spanish explorers came through here in the mid 1,700s and went right past the dwellings as they're hard to see until you're right up on them. ... and it was 100 more years before these dwellings were discovered by pioneers heading west.

A 400' decline into the valley not to bad... harder coming back up breathing harder from the thin air.. but wow... It was worth the journey to see this.

A great day. Thank you for this gift!

ITW 21 -2

May 29, 2010

Mesa Verde Spruce Treehouse , Colorado 4 corners

am coffee. 58* clear

Out hwy 160 35 miles to Mesa Verde nat park. Park is 20 miles in from the gate at hwy 160.

A change in geography from rockies mountains to mesa arid plains. Visitor center -- 200 people and lines -- too many so head to Spruce Treehouse. Museum center had history... out to canyon overlook for noon samich.

Park Point 8,571' elev

You can see glimpses of the canyons and overhang with tiny structures down under the cliff mesa plateau overhangs.

Hiked the trail down into the canyon... 400' decline and got up close to the dwellings built under the canyon ledges by this Chocco culture... these pueblo style cliff dwellings built circa 950 to 1,200.

The views of the villages in the canyons cut into mesa plateaus are fantastick. Visability of the canyons are 50+ miles. We're up at 8,000'elev... cool crisp thin air.

Looking across the valley you see the top of the cliff/ plateau and begin walking the trail to Spruce Treehouse pueblo dwellings . I'm already excited after seeing the Jimez indian dancers... now hiking to a UNESCO world heritage site... this is what you live for.

The ancestral natives that would eventually become the Anasazi were here from about 500ad. Spanish explorers came through here in the mid 1,700s and went right past the dwellings as they're hard to see until you're right up on them. ... and it was 100 more years before these dwellings were discovered by pioneers heading west.

A 400' decline into the valley not to bad... harder coming back up breathing harder from the thin air.. but wow... It was worth the journey to see this.

A great day. Thank you for this gift!