Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mesa Verde Sun Temple

ITW 21 - 2

May 29, 2010

Mesa Verde, Colorado 4 corners Sun Temple

What a day. Going through Mesa Verde nat park and have been absolutley amazed at the sights. Of seeing the ancestral culture of a thousand years ago in a phenomenal geologic setting.

and then you get to The Sun Temple. I'll write more when I can gain composure of seeing this. The pictures don't begin to do justice to the power of this place.

... just thankful for a wonderful , beautiful day.... and then you hike into Sun Temple.

When you get here... you can't help but to stop and hit a knee and say a prayer... for everything... for all the things you wanted to pray about. This is the place to offer them up. ... and ask for grace.

This is a special place. After seeing this... you promise to make the world better. It is that powerful.

You walk through here and you can sense a campfire a thousand years ago with the native drums pounding a beat to the chanting,... the ceremonial events that took place here. ... I am honored to walk this ground; I chant too!

ITW 21 - 2

May 29, 2010

Mesa Verde, Colorado 4 corners Sun Temple

What a day. Going through Mesa Verde nat park and have been absolutley amazed at the sights. Of seeing the ancestral culture of a thousand years ago in a phenomenal geologic setting.

and then you get to The Sun Temple. I'll write more when I can gain composure of seeing this. The pictures don't begin to do justice to the power of this place.

... just thankful for a wonderful , beautiful day.... and then you hike into Sun Temple.

When you get here... you can't help but to stop and hit a knee and say a prayer... for everything... for all the things you wanted to pray about. This is the place to offer them up. ... and ask for grace.

This is a special place. After seeing this... you promise to make the world better. It is that powerful.

You walk through here and you can sense a campfire a thousand years ago with the native drums pounding a beat to the chanting,... the ceremonial events that took place here. ... I am honored to walk this ground; I chant too!