Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ochoco pk to Crane Prarie oregon

content / pics coming


Friday August 6 2010

Ochoco county camp near Prineville, Oregon to Crane Prarie camp / near Lapine, OR / Deschutes nat forest

47* am Sunrise on Lake, good pics

Hwy 126west through Prineville to pickup 97 south & head for Redmond, OR

about 15 miles of freeway like traffic. Into Bend, Oregon... the crossroads of central Oregon & all pass through here. Bend 80k pop & doubles in summer for recreation travel.

Downtown Bend is crowded w/ boutiques. I'm outta here.

Out 14th street to Cscade Lakes oregon Scenic Byway Loop / hwy 46west.

Into Deschutes nat forest = volcanic Flows and Push Ups. Spectacular Lava field... covered in trees / forest, but you can see from the buttes.

Ponderosa Pine forest..

Mt Bachelor 9,065' elev. Snowcap/ snowpack. ski resort. this is off season. in january this place will be packed.

Onto Devils lake -- wade in the cold Glacier dug lake-- & Lava Flow Hill= Smooth to Sharp rock.

Wade in Elk Lake too. Don't pass up a river / lake at this age & not take a few minutes to wade in it; it's good thereapy! more fun... but ok. Too many people at Elk Lake to want to stay at. Elk lake old ranger cabin preserved pristene from the '30s. neat cabin.

Wade in Little Lava lake.

Get a good fairly close view of "Three Sisters" mountains. ...Stunningly surreal. South Sister 10,358'elev

North Sister 10,085' elev. ...all 3 Snowcap. Stare at the beauty & search for what i'm supposed to understand / know from coming to see this.

Onto Crane prarie camp and perfect. Not crowded. h20 near.

grilled chicken, mashed potatos/ corn on grill. Firewood nearby in forest & big fire while grilling kept warm. spigot /hydrant bath/wash tonight.

A good day!

A few hours later.... up for pit stop & have to Stargaze for a little while. there is NO Moon now in cycle & Sky is Black!

1 Billion+ Stars. WOW!

Can see the Milky Way w/ Naked eye. Milky Way runs from 10* to 140* from North Star.

Thisis what I came for. Thank you. A great day!