Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Horsethief Lake WA

ITW 98

Wendsday August 11, 2010

Horsethief Lake Washington

Hwy 14 10 miles west of Maryhill, WA / North shore of the Columbia River gorge

For over 10,000 years the abundant bounty of the Columbia river fishing and game,... the fertile growing soil and cycles have fed Ancestral Man and his tribes.

Petroglyphs = Art chipped / hammered into rock

Pictoglyphs = Art Painted onto rock

.... to date the ceremonial hunting grounds of the Tribes for thousands of years.

When the Columbia was dammed to harness the hydro power of dams... The Picto / Petroglyphs that would have been submerged were gathered and preserved at Horsethief Lake st pk Washington.

Amazing to see these wonders.