Friday, January 7, 2011

Butte, Montana Saturday July 10

ITW 71 /73/ 74

Saturday July 10, 2010

Butte , Montana The Richest Hill on the Earth

Butte was the industrial powerhouse of the west.

miners / started gold mining & went to copper when electricity demand for copper wire developed. . history of once was the industrial kingpin of not only the west ... but of all AMerica.

The melting pot of the wild west drew emigrant workers from all over and the many international cultures are represented enhancing craftsmanship, but cultural diversity in foods and brewerys.

Minerals mined. metal smelted and produced . Transportation/ railroads / mines / mechanical engineering to move raw materials. Iron Headframe structures--cable elevator lifts to raise the ore up from the mines-- still can be seen on the hill.

Anaconda copper abandoned deep mining in the '50s and opened up "The Berkley Pit" --- huge open-pit mining.

unions/ history. Frank Little was a union organizer & was Lynched dragged into & litterally down the street ... murdered / killed by company detectives.

Industrial capitol of the West = early boom town mining, rugged cowboys, tough miners & union guys / teamsters ect... so there were hundreds of saloons and there was a VERY active red light district. So active and notable.... that there is a museum of the prostitution trade in Buttes history.

Several years ago one of the old houses was raized/ torn down... it was reported by a local that the house had 14 rooms and the wooden thresholds at the doors were "very worn down / rounded off smooth".

Butte is an interesting town and it's favorite son is none other... American daredevil legend Evel Knievel . (sorry Super Dave)