Thursday, March 24, 2011

?What did you learn? ...


This will be the last post for a while. Sold some property and heading back out to points unknown. That's the real gift. ... taking the days as they come and enjoying them.

The question was asked about the ITW journey... "?What did you learn?"

Simple answer; I learn something new every day. The ITW journey was just learning in different places than the usual stomping grounds. ...can't answer the overall question in simple terms/ sentence.

In the places traveled, learned what it was that made that place ... what it was; from crossroads / staging areas for the pioneers forming up wagon trains to head west across the prarie... to the remote ghost towns. Both had their own unique histories full of answers from the ?who , ?what, ?why, ?when... ect...

I learned new things... and often learned that my earlier studying / reading/ investigating/ searching/ .... often.... confirmed earlier conclusions.

Each day offered up the opportunity to to delve into the cities, towns, regions explored. Every place was interesting; but what made it unique in its evolution to now. At every place, I wanted to know :

The geography, their history, its historical evolution, the archaeology, anthropology, biology, quantum physics, geology, botany, astronomy, sociology, its business / capital formation, their religion, their ancestral heritage and values, ... and what made it survive to its present state?

often reminded that it was a gift for something as simple as eating a ham samich while sitting on the bank of the Deschutes river, listening and watching the clear mountain stream water flow by-- on it's journey.

Like the river on it's journey... flows to where it's supposed to be; I'll wind up where I'm supposed to be also.

?What did you learn? you just have to click on the archives on the right.... see what each days journal / place was like. This is the best way to explain these places.

?You want to see petroglyphs?.... or Medicine Wheel in Wyoming?... click around here to see.

Thank you for all your prayers for safe travel. I'll post when I can from the road. 'til then... will be dancing for my tribe. Uncle Hargus