ITW 62
Pine Creek nat forest camp, Pine Creek, MT
You drive down hwy 89south... the road to Gardiner, MT / the North gate entrance to Yellowstone...
and you jump off onto hwy 540 that parrallells... and drive up a small one lane road into the Absoroka mountains...
and you come to Pine Creek nat forest camp. Typical nat forest camp. 30~ campsites... and the camp ranger / host says they are booked up. ...
but.... we could camp over at the pavillion tonight.
Let me understand this correctly... ... Livingston, MT is booked up for tonight for the Rodeo weekend,...
we go to backup plan to Pine Creek camp, get there and it's booked up,... but we get the overflow campsite of -- the Pavillion. This is like getting the hilton / or waldorf astoria of campsites... for $7. beneath the snowcapped Absoroka mountains... and it's the Pavillion... ?is this a great country or what?
None of this was planned; thank you for this gift!
ITW 62
Pine Creek nat forest camp, Pine Creek, MT
You drive down hwy 89south... the road to Gardiner, MT / the North gate entrance to Yellowstone...
and you jump off onto hwy 540 that parrallells... and drive up a small one lane road into the Absoroka mountains...
and you come to Pine Creek nat forest camp. Typical nat forest camp. 30~ campsites... and the camp ranger / host says they are booked up. ...
but.... we could camp over at the pavillion tonight.
Let me understand this correctly... ... Livingston, MT is booked up for tonight for the Rodeo weekend,...
we go to backup plan to Pine Creek camp, get there and it's booked up,... but we get the overflow campsite of -- the Pavillion.
This is like getting the hilton / or waldorf astoria of campsites... for $7. beneath the snowcapped Absoroka mountains... and this is the Pavillion. ?is this a great country or what?
None of this was planned; thank you for this gift!