May 23
Trinidad Lake st pk Trinidad, Colorado
About 8 miles west on hwy 160west and camp here tonight.
This lake / reservoir was scenic Colorado. Visability is some 40+ miles. Across the lake... that's Fishers Peak 9,600'.
This was a major landmark through history .... to the ancestral indian tribes, and the Santa Fe trail came through Raton Pass by this trail navigation marker.
This was a short travel day from Raton, New Mexico from mainenence / laundry day ect... This is agood stop for the eve. Cool and wind is about 15+ , small waves on the lake.
What I briefly saw of Trinidad I liked and will go back into town tommorrow to see what's there.
ITW 15
May 23
Trinidad Lake st pk Trinidad, Colorado
About 8 miles west on hwy 160west and camp here tonight.
This lake / reservoir was scenic Colorado. Visability is some 40+ miles. Across the lake... that's Fishers Peak 9,600'.
This was a major landmark through history .... to the ancestral indian tribes, and the Santa Fe trail came through Raton Pass by this trail navigation marker.
This was a short travel day from Raton, New Mexico from mainenence / laundry day ect... This is agood stop for the eve. Cool and wind is about 15+ , small waves on the lake.
What I briefly saw of Trinidad I liked and will go back into town tommorrow to see what's there.