Sunday, March 22, 2015

Canyon Ferry to Sheriffs Court - Helena


Tues July 13, 2010

Canyon Ferry to Sheriffs Court camp

Canyon Ferry Lake camp ... right on the river .... 3/4 mile below the dam. current is strong.

54* am coffee. wind is up in am 20+ Gusts++

This is North of Missouri Headwaters .... & strange that river flows north --- like Niagara river flows north.

Big Belt Mountains to the East.

North are Gates of the Mountains Wilderness.

Helena, Montana

New part of town / old Helena

Library for email check. / info search

Donate pint of blood mid afternoon.

can't find good motel rate. Back to Canyon Ferry... north some to Sheriffs Court camp.

fish into dusk. wind up.. Trout gone to deep water; no bites from bank.

sunset good. Stars are WOW! on black sky